US Dollar Store -The best franchise retail opportunity - Franchise Mart

US Dollar Store -The best franchise retail opportunity

Despite the sense that people who shop at discount dollar stores are struggling financially, the numbers indicate that these stores (along with big-box stores like Walmart Retail) are gaining popularity with more affluent shoppers too. Even so, for the dollar stores the current economic climate is a mixed bag (not unlike those surprise goodie bags they have at the end of the toy aisle). Almost all US Dollar Stores (Franchise USA, Franchise India) are doing well. Dollar Stores are a hot news item these days, as the discount market grows its share of spending from budget-conscious consumer. So while Walmart and its ilk are doing reasonably well given the overall trend towards buying less, the dollar stores are expected to increase sales thanks to shoppers who want to stretch their paychecks a bit more.  While many consumers have struggled in a difficult economy, US Dollar Store Inc. has grown more profitable.Higher household costs have sent shoppers into the nation’s largest everything’s-a-dollar chain looking for better prices on food, cleaning supplies and health and beauty products.Into the rest of this year, high diesel prices – one of the biggest contributors to Dollar Stores expenses – will likely continue. We still face an uncertain economy with many pressures on the consumer.Analysts questioned whether 99 Dollar Stores could sustain its high comparable-store sales increases into the rest of the year. Dollar Stores acknowledged the challenges but added that bad economic times have proved beneficial for Dollar stores so far? More and more business entrepreneurs are joining the Family of US Dollar Stores 99.

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