FM: What is the concept of Navjivan and how it originated?
DD: Navjivan Group of Companies is established by me and my 2 partners, Mr. Paresh Joshi and Mr. Sanjay Purohit. Navjivan comprised of 3 brands – namely Navjivan Wellness Solutions, Navjivan Fitness Solutions and Navjivan Fingerprint Solutions. We founded Navjivan as my mother got a great relief in various ailments like Knee pain, swelling in leg, Stomach Pain, Chest Pain etc. But with the Naturopath Instrumental therapy she was cured of all these diseases. From that day my family and my partners have decided to give such therapies to the maximum people of society with the mission of healthy and disease free India.
FM: Tell us about instrumental naturopathy.
DD: Such therapies which are already invented and being used in developed countries since last so many years. But unfortunately in India people are not getting benefits of the new technology for the health.Instrumental naturopathy diagnoses and treats both physical and emotional pain; it relieves symptoms and retards the cycle of new disease. We use various instruments like Thermal massager bed, Tens Massager, Anti oxygen alkaline filter and so many other therapy devices to eliminate pain, facilitate healing and counter the effects of stress.There are no harmful side effects of any of our devices
FM: How is the wellness market in India?
DD: There is increasing awareness in India regarding health and wellness. The expectations of people from the health products and services have also increased. The Indian health and wellness market is on a boom phase. The market is estimated to be more than Rs. 20 billion with a year-on-year growth of over 25 percent. Moreover, the attitudes and preferences of the Indian consumers are changing due to the increase in their disposable incomes, high consumption propensity, exposure to global trends etc.
FM: What is the Scope for budding entrepreneurs in Wellness Industry?
DD: The majority of opportunities in wellness still await the individual entrepreneur and new management techniques and forms of business organization (like franchising) to become a part of this growing industry. There will be a high demand for health and wellness products and services in coming years.
FM: What is the USP of Navjivan?
DD: Navjivan Group of Companies is the only enterprise that has three different Brands such as Wellness, Fitness and Fingerprint Solutions. We have a different product range in all these brands which are highly in demand. Our business model is proven one with low investment and very high returns. With the investment of only 2 to 3 Lakhs one can start the Navjivan franchise. There is less risk involved in our business and the returns are much more than your expectations!
FM: Tell us about your different franchising modules.
DD: The Fitness Module has investment of Rs. 7 to 8 Lakhs with 1200 to 1500 sq. ft area required. The break even point is only in 3 months and the returns expected are 30 to 35%. The Wellness Module has a total investment of Rs. 3 Lakhs with no specific area required. Any one can start the Navjivan Franchise at home or in office too. Here again the return on investment is very high.Now let’s see the Fingerprints Solutions. It’s quite new concept in India. Navjivan DMIT (Dermatoglyphic Multiple Intelligences Test) which helps in identifying the weak and strong areas of Human Brain. This can be very useful in choosing a perfect career for children. The investment is 3.5 Lakhs and again the return is quite high in lesser period of time.
FM: How many franchises Navjivan has and in which cities?
DD: We have given more than 100 Franchises across India in all the major cities but we are on fast expansion spree and we are planning 100 more franchises by the end of year 2010.
FM: Tell us about your further expansion plans and future plans.
DD: Having Franchise Mart as our Franchise expansion partner Navjivan is aiming to have more franchises. We are also planning to add more wellness products in our service offerings.