Sujoy Chourasia
FM: How and where did this all begin?
SC: BJS Foods was born from the idea of retailing indigenous fast food and Western fast food in QSR format under one roof. The format requires 250 – 400 square feet of retailing space. The model is Unique with no royalty charges. The Franchisee Model fetches very high returns on Investment, as high as 70% in 1st Year, 120% in 2nd Year, 125% in 3rd Year and ……..It took 5 years of hard work, industry research and product research by three stalwarts from retail and food industry to put into reality the idea and concept which were on papers, and thus the first concept store at Malad (E) Mumbai, India was born on 14th December 2009 by the brand name “GRUB’s”.BJS Foods under it FLAGSHIP have two Quick Service Restaurants brandsGRUB’s – India’s First Vegetarian Quick Service Restaurant with Jain SpecialtyGYOZA – A Non vegetarian Quick Service Restaurant with ethnic delicacies as well Western Quick Bites.
FM: What is Grub’s claim to fame? Why this unique name?
SC: Grub’s claim to fame is its unique concept which is a fusion of Indian and Western QSR , Probably India’s First Vegetarian QSR with Jain Specialties and very robust business model with No royalty to the franchisor. We have achieved an amazing feat of putting up our stores and Kitchen within a record time of 12 – 14 days time span, this is a major plus for any new business venture.
FM: How did this concept come into being? What do you see as the market for it?
SC: Food business worldwide is seen as one the biggest business opportunities. Recent turbulence in the world economy has made entrepreneurs belief in this industry stronger as Food business has proved to be one of the very few “Recession proof” businesses.Thus GRUB’s was born from the idea of retailing indigenous fast food and Western fast food in QSR format under one roof. The Brand is promoted as probably India’s First Vegetarian Quick Service Restaurant with Jain Specialty.
FM: What is the eligibility criterion for taking a franchise of your company?
SC:• Attitude to do business (a state of mind to accomplish).• Location and area of the retailing business unit• Basic Investment (the equivalent of amount less than a Maruti Alto)
FM: How many units are you planning to start in Mumbai this year?
SC: We are planning 30 retail outlets and 3 Kitchens for the financial Year 2010 – 2011 in Mumbai, Our plan of expansion beyond Mumbai would start rolling out by February 2010.
FM: What is the Franchisee Support system you offer?
SC: We at BJS foods treat each Location partner’s business with due support to be given to a new born child, We offer support from scratch to finish: It starts with:1. Search for location and help to negotiate lease rentals (post sign up of Franchisee, and their preference for location to start the business in)2. Feasibility study of the franchisee location along with a customized, assessed, business plan tailor made to the location (along with appropriate recommended menu’s)3. Assistance for financial planning and support for loan (if applicable and required)4. Assistance for the project interiors and implementation along with the equipment list and list of vendors shortlisted to be ordered from.5. Assistance in Front end manpower hiring and direct support to hire the Shop Kitchen cooks/ assistants6. Planning and training of store staff7. Planning of the launch plan professionally8. Consistent monitoring for the store throughout its life term as BJS Foods Franchisee.
FM: Why do you think this concept is just right for a busy city like Mumbai?
SC: Mumbai or any Indian Metro or B class city is on the move. India stands on a cusp of the sub $ 1000/- per capita income and beginning of the S Curve which is bound to see exponential growth rates. Such industry scenario spans a challenge to the working force, which starts looking at eating options beyond home. With the Quick service restaurant already touching Rs. 2500/- crores this is a market waiting to be exploited for Gen Next. It’s simply waiting for choices.
FM: What challenges are faced by a franchisee in this business?
SC: Single point challenge after start up of business is to maintain consistency (as basic as starting the shop on time with basic managerial effort), regular cleaning and cleansing of shop and shop Kitchen, maintenance of employee morale, consistence customer satisfaction and customer delight achievement, we proactively help in inventory planning, but are dependent on Franchisee feedback for local customer preferences.
FM: What is the USP of your Franchise offer from the investor point of view?
SC: The USP for Franchisor / Investor is “0 risk” business model, Pay back Period of 12 – 15 months only, with high return on investment, as high as 70% or more in 1st Year, 120% in 2ND Year, 125% in 3rd Year and proactive help from Franchisor to help franchisee get Financial help up to 70 % of the project cost, to start the business (in form of non collateralized loan).
FM: Is this franchise opportunity suitable for women entrepreneurs also?
SC: The Concept of food is very intricate and close to women’s heart (who handle the home ministry in majority of Indian homes), it comes very naturally as the basic ingredients and day to day material used in normal kitchen along with the challenge of Modern day retailing where a women entrepreneur can check challenge hone and sharpen her business acumen. It is the most natural business for any women entrepreneur with a flair for Food or attitude for business.