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The use of highly-relevantDigital bait on a companys website will help draw in todays insightful consumers to eagerly engage with its brand offers.
Buying, once a one-way interaction between an informed seller and a curious buyer, has become a conversation between equals. Brian Fetherstonhaugh, Chairman CEO of OgilvyOne Worldwide, believes the revolution in buying behavior is still ongoing.
According to Fetherstonhaugh, content was once something that had anicely chiseled-out niche in the sales process, used for articulating marketing messages or hyping the benefits of a companys products and/or services. Today, customers are eager for a different kind of content, which marketers can use asdigital bait to draw customers to their messages.
Fetherstonhaugh believes there are three main kinds of digital bait:
Beliefs and Points of View:This content reveals what a company believes and what it stands for. Not everyone will like it, but it will attract prospects that are predisposed to buying what that company has to sell.
Expertise:Customers and prospects want to be smart, well-informed shoppers. Consequently, they are hungry for high-quality information and factual expert opinions about a category and/or company. The fact is, customers will generate this information with or without a companys involvement; it obviously behooves a company to play a part in creating this narrative.
Invitations and Offers:Putting invitations and offersin the water will attract prospects and get them tobite.
Extending appealing digital content using one of these three categories will encourage people to engage with a company. Fetherstonhaugh suggests using some form of I.C.E.E., which stands forInspire, Connect, Educate or Entertain, to further heighten the contents allure for prospects.
Creating digital content is about more than just putting your brochure on a digital platform. Its about maximizing your users experience, getting them to feel engaged and involved, and motivating them to buy-preferably from your company.
You know your product intimately and can probably talk about it for hours, but putting pen to paper isnt quite so easy. If you want anyone to pay attention to your content, it needs to be compelling and engaging.
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