vijay mohta
FM: Tell us the origin, growth and success of Empower Wellness.
VM: Empower Wellness Device originated from Singapore. It’s present in countries like Singapore, United States, Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and others for more than 3 years now. It’s already a huge success in all these countries. It combines the effect of Heat, Magnetic, Electric and Far infrared potential into a single portable device. We at empower have brought down the device to India for the very first time as a product plus service concept wherein people can buy the product from our centers directly or can also come down to our centre to get the benefits of the product by enrolling into various membership plans we offer.
FM: Tell us about the Awards and Recognition Empower Wellness has claimed.
VM: Empower wellness device is tested by international test laboratories has been awarded “CE” certification for consumer safety. Empower wellness device is the only device in India incorporating 4 natural potentials in a compact portable device. It’s the most innovative and upcoming concept in the wellness industry.The Wellness center runs on smart card system .The device will operate after the amount is deducted from the pre paid smart card issued to members. This eliminates chances of leakage of revenue. The powerful reporting system helps to have full control on center’s operations;
FM: How did this concept come into being?; What do you see as the market for it?
VM: Due to today’s hectic lifestyle Stress, Junk food culture, extended working hours for most of the people and pollution, we see that at a young age of 30 years we see people afflicted with High blood pressure, Diabetes, Insomnia, Asthama, Migraine, fatigue, Constipation, Joint pains, Arthritis, Etc.Everybody wants to have non-invasive effective solution for above common health conditions. Millions of rupees are spent daily on Painkillers, Sleeping pills, Laxatives and energy supplements to seek relief from these ailments. Everyone wants to defy ageing to feel good and to look good. People are much more concerned aware towards their health today then earlier.We can imagine the market potential for the wellness centers to the extent of one center in each large size locality in every city.Aging has always been a part of life; it’s not as if there is a sudden spontaneous need, for a wellness industry. The wellness business appeared in the last decade and advance in technology often creates new demand, by creating new opportunities and options that didn’t previously exist. People between the ages of 30 60 having so-called ‘lifestyle diseases’, represent only 38 percent of our population but this group represents 50 percent of our economy. These people represent a new and growing economic sector. They are primarily wealthy people who, as their financial situation improves, start looking for ways they can be healthier.; I define wellness as money you spend to make yourself feel healthier, even when you’re not ‘sick’ by any standard medical definition.
FM: What is the eligibility criteria for taking a franchise of Empower Wellness?VM:
Location and area: 200-250 sqft of area in a prime residential area on a main Road and ground floor
Investment: Rs.5.5 lacs – 8 lacs
Attitude: A strong entrepreneurial spirit a zeal to succeed
FM: How many stores do you have across India of which how many are franchised?
VM: We have currently 6 operations centers across India of which 5 are franchisee owned. Also 6 more centers are in stage of finalization. Our reach has spread in cities like Mumbai, Indore, Nashik, Malegaon Jalgaon.
FM: What is the Franchisee Support system you provide?
VM: We offer a complete franchisee solution in the form of a turnkey project. In this we provide everything right from the devices to control system software, furniture, signage, training, marketing plans support, online doctor support.
FM: How many stores have you launched in the last 6 months and what are your plans for the next 6 months?
VM: We have already started operations in 6 centers in past 6 months. Currently 6 more centers are in the stages of finalizations. We are on an aggressive expansion mode now and plan to get 20 centers operational in next 6 months.
FM: What challenges are faced by a franchisee in this business?
VM: Being almost a monopoly line of business there are hardly any challenges to be faced by the franchisee. It has the advantage of both a noble cause of serving the society and earning a fantastic return of over 100% per annum on your investments.Also our models are all based on actual results and data obtained from our already operational centers so there is no need to worry about the feasibility part of the business model.
FM: What is the USP of your Franchise offer from the investor’s point of view?
VM: The USP of our franchise offer is that it gets you into a recession proof and booming wellness industry. Waiting too long to enter into it will mean getting a smaller slice of the pie in the future. It’s the fastest growing sector after the IT boom that hit India by storm. So people who missed it have a great chance to make up now. A joint report by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and Ernst and Young has projected that this industry will grow at an exceptional rate of 60-65% per annum.
FM: Is this franchise opportunity suitable for women entrepreneurs also?
VM: Highly suitable for women entrepreneurs as it can be set up in Small investment with even a small available space and has low staff requirements. The Easy to use device is supported by very user-friendly operating system and only requires minimal training. Center can be set up located in residential areas close to their residence thus eliminating commuting hassles.Our center also serves as a meeting platform cum gossip point for ladies – a great time to discuss your favorite serial while experiencing the therapy session!!